An Apna CSC centre can be brilliantly useful to those who require assistance with governmental procedures like applying for documents, etc. The CSC or the Common Service Centres scheme is one of the main projects under the Digital India Programme.

In case you are an individual who has been interested in opening a CSC centre in your vicinity but have been wondering how to go about it, here is some bits of information that may help you in the long run.

How to apply for a new CSC online – Digital Seva Registration Form 2020

CSC registration can only be done through an online portal at their registered and specific websites. The applicant is ideally advised to get ready with scanned copies of all the necessary documents needed for the application to get through seamlessly.

The steps in applying for CSC online registration are herewith:

On the submission of all details like ID card details, an application number will be generated. The applicant can then finally submit the application on receiving an acknowledgment email regarding the application form on email ID which would be provided during the application process.

Once the applicant’s application is approved, he/she can successfully connect with the government as a Village Level Entrepreneur.

The applicant will have a Digital credentials created on the registered email ID.

Documents needed for CSC online registration?