Coronavirus may have jolted the world at once. But with time, more and more states have formulated strategies to battle the much-loathed virus. One such Union Territory making waves in the battle against the virus happens to be the Delhi Government.

To help its citizens get around the diseased unfazed, the Delhi government has initiated a dedicated Delhi Corona App to provide citizens with a comprehensive resource to combat Covid-19. This is the official smartphone application for the government of NCT of Delhi.

All smartphones across the state can now download the app from the Google play store and the app will essentially help people find out the status of hospital beds and ventilators in the Union Territory.

Through the app, the Delhi Corona App will tell you how many hospital beds are vacant and how many are occupied at a said moment.

How to download the app?

In order to download the app, follow these steps:

The fascinating bit about the app is that it does not require any form of registration to access the information provided on the app. All a user is supposed to do is go to the Google Play app from the Android device and download the app. The app supports both Hindi and English.

What are the benefits of the app?

The following are the benefits that come with downloading the app:

  1. Self-assessment tool for personal health.
  2. Guidelines pertaining to Covid-19 (basically do’s and don’ts and other protocol).
  3. Important helpline numbers to ensure the well-being of users.
  4. The facility to view all available Covid-19 centres in Delhi and also a list of all government and private hospitals that offer assistance and care to Covid-19 patients.
  5. The app also allows users to assess which hospitals have beds for Coronavirus patients and it also contains the details of the total number of occupied and vacant beds and the number of ventilators available.
  6. It also offers assistance towards ration service.
  7. e-Pass facility to get movement passes to move around.
  8. The user can also view containment zones through the app.

In Conclusion

Through the app, the citizens of Delhi are much better prepared to tackle the onset of the disease. The information allows leverage in the fight against the Coronavirus and the Delhi Corona app offers that information.

Entering the battle ensures victory. While the nation, by and large, is recuperating from the disease, precaution needs to be followed. The app makes it really easy for people to track the essentials and stay informed at all times. It is a great initiative by the Delhi government and largely helpful to people all around the Union territory.